Saturday, June 17, 2006

my cousin and naughty daughter

This is my daughter and my cousin, doesn’t u think both of them look like sister? My cousin like my daughter very much, but I feel pity for my cousin, cos when ever my daughter cry my mom (that's mean my daughter’s grandma) will look at my cousin with anger... I feel so so so sorry for my little cousin.
One day, my cousin was playing with my daughter, suddenly my daughter fall down and cry, my little cousin immediately run and hide under the table, cos she scare my mom will think she is the one who make her cry. Poor little cousin, I have tried my best talk to my mom, I know she love my daughter, but not in this way… haiz… what to do? First grandson always gets more care, love and too pamper. Some times, even I speak a bit loud to my daughter also will scold by parent. =.=!!!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

My first sharing

Finally create a blog... had plan it few months ago, but never start, Everyday seem like so busy, task coming in like never stop. Finally...
As a mother beside our little angel what else we always put beside our mouth. So the first sharing of cause will be my little daughter-yee ling, 14 months.
When think back, very difficult to beli
eve that daughter already 14 months. Seem like yesterday I just went back from the hospital, now my daughter already can walk and call “ma ma, pa pa” times pass so fast till I wish to ask it to slow down a bit. I feel like miss a lot of things on my daughter growing process. Some time even feel guilty for her. =.=

This is photo is taken by my husband. since our daughter born, we take her photo every month, sound like crazy right. Well… I “Plan” to make an album for her and as her birthday present when she 18 years old, sound sweet right. Just hope this can leave a very good memory for her. Love her so much.



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