Wao… such a long time didn’t update my blog. This few months so busy, after back from vocation none stop till today finish internal audit only have some little time to update my little blog site.
At 14th of July I have went to Clear water sanctuary golf resort at ipoh to attend my company career seminar. 4 days 3 nights is a very memorable experience for us who attend. This is the second time I leave my husband and daughter behind. At first I will feel sorry to my husband cause even weekend he also can’t have a good rest, but now I won’t, because my husband have give me a big confidence that I can concentrate in my career without any worry, he can take care my daughter very well even cook for her, dear Lou Yea thank you for everything ya ^^
Here I got a few pictures that can share with you all. This is the resort that we stay, I like this place, is a very natural place for us to relax our body and mind from this city. However, in these 4 days 3 night seminar I not even have 10 minutes to enjoy the environment T_T. Well, I believe in future I can back to this place again with my small family.
Here is where we listen to our course, a comfort environment.
In the resort have a very big lake, very nice, you even can fishing over there but not swimming k.

This is the outside where we stay
Balcony of the resort. Anyway, all of this picture not taken by me, is from my collogue, i not even have time to enjoy the environment where got time take picture right. Thanks for my collogue taking such a nice picture for us to keep as memory.